Project Overview

This project aims to support Scottish Government policy development regarding community land ownership and engagement in land use decision-making, as well as increasing understanding of the role of land ownership and land reform in achieving net zero emissions and reversing biodiversity decline in Scotland. In detail, the project aims to:

  1. Develop a land information dataset to maximise the efficiency and efficacy of community and landowner engagement with the Scottish Land Reform process. This is the focus of Work Package (WP) 1: Transparent land data for community empowerment.
  2. Assess the connections between existing, novel, and potential landownership/tenure models and land management outcomes. This is the objective of WP2: Land management outcomes from land reform.
  3. Convene a stakeholder advisory group to co-construct the research, provide access to networks, case studies, and support open science, as well as input expert opinions (e.g. cultural, fiscal, and legal). This is the main aim of WP3: New land imaginaries and global land issues.